The series The Lord of the Rings by JRR Tolkien, is the newest franchise to become the famous minifigs from LEGO . When they were announced last December, only two were shown posters of the versions of Frodo and Aragorn as toys. Now we can see the entire Fellowship of the Ring , thanks to this picture taken in Toy Fair, toy fair that happens in England this week. Unfortunately, the latest information suggests that licensing is only for the games to assemble, not for video games. But it does not hurt to dream, right? If sales are good, it is possible that Traveller's Tales and Warner Bros. . Interactive games are carried away and develop, as well as with LEGO Batman and LEGO Harry Potter .
The Danish company has the rights to create toys based not only on d trilogy ' The Lord of the Rings , but also in The Hobbit . The games go on sale from the second half.
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