Rabu, 30 November 2011

LG confirms arrival of the Ice Cream Sandwich line Optimus

Diposting oleh admin di 21.02

LG has officially announced that put the Android Ice Cream Sandwich in several models of the Optimus, which makes up the top line of the South Korean manufacturer. Among those included are Black Optimus, Optimus 2X, Optimus Optimus LTE and 3D. 

Everyone will receive version 4.0 of Android with the seal of the manufacturer at some point in 2012.Confirmation of the updates came through the Facebook profile of LG. Alongside the announcement of the Ice Cream Sandwich, LG said it intends to extend updates for simpler products from their catalog, but it depends on hardware compatibility studies with the latest version of the operating system. All models will receive the Optimus Android 4.0 have been released this year and have to take advantage of new hardware features of the new version of Android.

Regarding the models confirmed, LG did not say what is your position on the Optimus Black and 3D, which have not yet received the previous version of Android, 2.3 (known as Gingerbread ). Though he has expressed in early October that Gingerbread would be available for both models still in November, version 2.3 for Android Optimus Black has not yet been disclosed. Regarding the 3D Optimus, only a few countries have received the update.

The dates of the arrival of Android 4.0 as well as details on updates for other phones of the company, will be released only in December.

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