Jumat, 02 Desember 2011

Case for iPhone seems like an old calculator

Diposting oleh admin di 07.44

Cases for the iPhone are never considered obsolete or unnecessary. Through them we see how the designers are creative, with different approaches and original. This calculator format of the past is one of the most original we've seen.The accessory is functional in its two goals: to protect the iPhone from everyday contingencies and provide the nostalgic feeling of owning one of the calculators of the 70s and 80s. It is possible (theoretically) make the main mathematical operations, and even some operations more comprehensive than the native iPhone calculator.

The case is available for purchase on Amazon, with shipping the product directly from Japan by the model is made ​​of plastic, protects all parts of the iPhone 4 . The product follows the same line of cases controls that mimic the old video games and classic Game Boy models.
The suggested retail price is U.S. $ 16.95. You can get more information about the product on the website of Amazon .

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