Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Facebook is sued because of "Like" button

Diposting oleh admin di 05.19

The co-founder of Facebook , Mark Zuckerberg , has just become aware of the risk they run your social network using the button information "like" their users for commercial purposes.

Like Facebook (Photo: Playback)

Currently, Facebook typically publishes all content that a user enjoyed through being in an advertising or just the novelty of some contact. The problem is that this feature may be illegal under the laws of the State of California, United States. In the American state, the use of someone's personal taste for commercial purposes without permission.
A judge of the city of San Jose prevented that Facebook came out unscathed from a trial of users who claimed some economic problems by using the "Like" button for something sponsored.
Mark Zuckerberg issued the chance to enjoy sponsored products within the social network earlier this year. The goal is for people who click on "like" can earn bonus games online as payment for advertising "humanized" by the user.
Recently, Facebook introduced a new form of profile, timeline , which exposes further the interests of each person with respect to movies, music, games, books and more.

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