Selasa, 20 Desember 2011

Official ROM leak Android Ice Cream Sandwich Samsung Galaxy S II

Diposting oleh admin di 05.18

A supposed leaked ROM from Samsung will be revealed as the adaptation of the Android Ice Cream Sandwich smartphone Samsung Galaxy S II . Who shows the new video is SamMobile site, which received the file from one of its sources in the South Korean manufacturer. According to the video posted by them, the ROM has received the name XXKP1, and is corresponding to the 4.0.1 version of Android, with end date recorded on December 7, 2011.

Experts at the site made some tests with the software and came to the conclusion that the version of Android for the Galaxy S II is customized for the device, with settings for your processor, screen size and resolution, and its various features.

The good news is: with the changes, Samsung shows the care it took to put Android running as best as possible on your smartphone, thinking about the potential problems and incompatibilities of the new software over the hardware.Some points in ROM observed: there are still many applications non-adapted to the new Android, and eventually the system can force them to interrupt the abnormal behavior. Another important detail is that system performance drops after extended use, and there are many reboots "random" in the system. Obviously, the version is still under development, but at least we know that Samsung is working on an update of their bestsellers.

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